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Write Film Personal Statement in 5 Simple Steps

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Film Personal Statement

In recent times, the film industry has recorded massive growth and this has sparked interest in many people. People either want to be actors, film directors, film producers, scriptwriters as well as other careers that lie within the film industry. To do all these, however, you must have enough knowledge and film study must be involved and in this way a personal statement film production such as OTCAS personal statement.

A film personal statement plays a very crucial role in the process of applying so that you can undertake a film study. It is a chance to express yourself and stand out among your equals who might have qualified just like you and impress the film school production committee.

Why You Need a Film Personal Statement

A film personal statement is very important for anyone who is applying and is hoping to be considered for an opportunity to study film. The importance of a film personal statement should be emphasized as it is a determining factor as to whether you will be chosen to pursue a particular course in an institution of higher learning.

In the personal statement, you are basically given a chance to stand out from the rest by expressing yourself the best way you know how. The admission and selection team will build a picture of you using the information that you have provided to them. This way they will be able to know whether they can offer you a place or not.
film personal statement tips

5 Simple Steps on How to Write a Film Personal Statement

From our film studies personal statement examples, there are very simple and straight forward steps that you can follow while writing a film personal statement as elaborated by our film studies personal statement examples.

The 5 very simple steps of the goal essay roadmap include:

  • You should open your film personal statement with a very strong opening sentence. You need to be able to keep ahead of the pack, so make the right impression that you have what admission board want to see.
  • Be focused while writing your personal statement. Answer the exact questions that should be answered in a straightforward manner.
  • Your personal statement should reflect your interest in a particular field. If you already have any experience, don’t forget to mention it as well. To show that you are specific enough you can show your awareness of the study field by using professional language.
  • Make sure that you write in an enthusiastic, concise and natural style while using simple language that is well understood and precise.
  • Make sure that you proofread and review the write-up after you complete writing it. You could use a third party who can read through the statement for the sake of those errors that you might not notice yourself.

How to End a Film Personal Statement

How should you end a film and television production personal statement? You are seeking a position through expressing yourself, so just show all your passion to chosen subject. In the conclusion part of your film studies personal statement, make sure to focus on the main reasons why you are the best applicant among others in the most laconic style. Mention your expectations of what you will gain through the course.

Common Mistakes

film studies personal statement example

Image credit: Welling School Sixth Form

Many people make a number of mistakes which recur for different people. These include

  • Copying from statements that have already been written for successful candidates or from the internet or asking someone else to write on your behalf. This is a personal statement and therefore you are the best person who can explain yourself.
  • Use clichés instead of coming up with original and authentic write-ups. This is especially rampant with the opening sentence where most people copy common quotes as well as overused statements.
  • Failing to go through the environmental science personal statement after you are done writing. This way the statement is bound to have a lot of errors such as those of grammar, omissions, spelling mistakes, punctuation. Some statements could be insensible as well.
  • Writing in an informal style. This could be by using jokes, conversational language, casual statements and much more. Some people could be overdoing it by using very difficult terminologies and vocabulary.
  • Failing to plan before writing is another common mistake. A plan or draft is quite important in this case. It gives you an opportunity to write a sure and proofread copy that is complete with all detail and that lacks any form of errors.

In case you need any form of assistance with writing your film and television production personal statement, make sure you reach us!